Dr. Rob Rosenberry

Fascial Counterstrain Therapy to Relieve and Manage Pain

Defeated by Your Pain? 
Does Daily Pain Dominate Your Life?

Can’t exercise
Difficulty working
Not enjoying life
Can’t sleep or cook or shop
Wasted Time
Everything is more difficult than it should be
Affects your mood
Affects your motivation
Affects your relationship
Can’t find a doctor you trust
Family frustrated because you can’t do anything
Given ‘the-run-around’ by doctors who don’t help you
High medical bills but you never get better

You do not need to live your life in pain.
Fascial Counterstrain Therapy can change your life, not just your symptoms.

The healthcare system makes it difficult and complicated to access the help you need.

Insurance companies give you the run around and make access to the right kind of care impossible.

 The medical system is giving you the same one size fits all answers over and over again and it hasn’t made a difference.

  Fascial Counterstrain Therapy can help you get off that merry-go-round of traditional medical care.

HOW FASCIAL COUNTERSTRAIN THERAPY is different than traditional medical care

Traditional Health Care System

Traditional Health Care System

Traditional medical treatment involves standard diagnostic procedures leading to either a pain medicine, injections or typical universal suggestions for a possible diagnosis and seems like a paint by number approach.

However, it typically ignores all the other systems and structures in the body that may be a significant contributing factor to your specific pain pattern presentation.

A common criticism of traditional medicine is that medical doctors treat symptoms instead of looking for the root cause of a health problem. Another is that they give medicines to mask problems.

I have a lot of conversations with patients who are frustrated with the current Western medicine system.  This frustration is both related to the personal care they receive and also the way in which the business of Western medicine is conducted.

This system continues today wherein insurance companies and “Big Pharma” dictate widespread care.

Fascial Counterstrain Therapy

Fascial Counterstrain Therapy

​FASCIAL COUNTERSTRAIN therapy utilizes a cranial scan and motion testing to specifically identify the primary areas of dysfunction present in any system or region of your body. The cranial scan and motion testing are gentle, manual assessments of your body that highlight the systems and areas in your body that need treatment to relieve your pain.

FASCIAL COUNTERSTRAIN therapy extends beyond traditional medical treatment by identifying and addressing fascial tissue dysfunction and inflammation that contributes to any pain, anywhere in the body including the nerves, organs, musculoskeletal tissues, vascular tissues and lymphatic system, to quickly locate and relieve your chronic pain.

SO WHAT IS FASCIA? Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, muscle and nerve fiber (including your brain and spinal cord) in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin. When stressed, it tightens up and causes pain throughout the body.

Fascial Counterstrain is Effective in Treating Any Pain, Anywhere in the Body

Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
Athletic Injury/Post-Event Recovery RX
Anxiety Disorders
Bell’s Palsy
Brain Fog
Breathing Issues
Bunions, Post Op Bunionectomy
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain (Neck, Back and Extremities)
Degenerative Disc Disease
Digestive Disorders / IBS
Disc Bulges & Herniations
Ehrlers Danlos Syndrome (Associated Pain)
Headaches (Migraine, Tension, Cluster)

Idiopathic Neuropathy
ITB Syndrome
Joint Replacements
Lower Back Pain
Lyme Disease/Tick-borne Illness
Meniscus Tears/Repairs
Mixed Motor Disorder/Dystonia
Muscle Strains/Tears
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Neck Pain
Peripheral Neuropathy
Osteoarthritis (all areas)
Post Concussion Syndrome
POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
Pelvic Floor Issues
PTSD Article #1
PTSD Article #2
Parkinson’s Disease
Plantar Fasciitis

Rotator Cuff tears/repairs
RSD / Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Shoulder Bursitis
Spinal Instability
Sports Performance
Sprained/Torn Ligaments
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
TMJ Dysfunction
Torticolis (Adult/Infant)
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trochanteric Bursitis
Vaccine Injury
Women’s Health

Rob RosenberryMy Story

Hi, I’m Rob Rosenberry and I’ve been in private practice helping people on the Central Coast to get pain relief for over 35 years.

I’ve completed over 90,000 patient treatments in that time frame.

I experienced my first dramatic ‘healing’ treatment of a patient by using Counterstrain in 1984 when I was a young PT running the physical therapy department at a small hospital.

I was so astounded and moved by the amazing result of this gentle technique that I committed my career to pursuing excellence in Counterstrain so I’d be able to benefit as many of my patients as possible.

I’ve always utilized the latest research and evidence-based techniques in the treatment of my patients and clients.

To this end, I regularly attend continuing education coursework and keep current on continuing education units.

To date, I have reviewed over 1,300 scholarly articles pertaining to fascia, pain, anatomy, physiology, orthopedics, sports medicine, exercise science and rehab.

Through my ongoing professional training and research, I am committed to serving my community and completing my mission to help people live a life without pain.

About Me

Rob Rosenberry PT, DPT, OCS, JSCC, CCI

Rob completed his Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Regis University in Denver Colorado. He is a board-certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) through the The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS). He is a Credentialed Clinical Instructor (CCI) through the American Physical Therapy Association.

Rob began specializing in Counterstrain in 1984 and was Jones Strain Counterstrain Certified (JSCC) in 2005.

He began training and specializing in Fascial Counterstrain in 2008 and has since completed all of the Fascial Counterstrain courses with the Jones Institute and the Counterstrain Academy up to and including Counterstrain for the Musculoskeletal System Part 3 and the Central Sensitization Series, Parts 1 and 2.

To date, he has completed all of the Counterstrain Academy (CSA) coursework for Modules 1-7: CSA Module 1 Intro: Counterstrain and the Cranial Scan; CSA Module 2: Counterstrain for the Visceral System; CSA Module 3: Counterstrain for the Lymphatic/Venous System; CSA Module 4: Counterstrain for the Arterial System; CSA Module 5: Counterstrain for the Nervous System, Part 1; Module 6: Counterstrain for the Nervous System, Part 2); CSA Module 7: Counterstrain for the Musculoskeletal System 1.​

He was selected to be in the Counterstrain Instructor Training Program (ITP) in 2018.

Rob has been a Teaching Assistant for the Counterstrain Academy at the International Counterstrain Conventions in  2019, 2020 and 2021. 

Additionally, Rob has completed advanced coursework through the Jones Institute in: CSS1: Central Sensitization Series, Part 1; and CSS2: Central Sensitization Series, Part 2.

He continues to pursue completion of all the CSA course work towards mastery.

He is the only and most experienced Fascial Counterstrain specialist between Los Angeles and San Francisco and is most experienced Fascial Counterstrain therapist on the Central Coast.


Simply put…I want to help relieve your pain.

My goal for you is to give you significant and lasting relief from pain; and to help you go from feeling frustrated, ignored, miserable and stuck, to feeling renewed, ‘light’, energized, hopeful and capable. I would like to help restore your ability to do the things you want to do.

What People Say


I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in the fall of 2015. CRPS is a debilitating condition hich typically affects

an appendage such as a hand or foot, and can spread from  limb to limb.  It causes uncontrollable pain as the brain sends messages to the affected limb that it is injured when it isn’t. In my case it was my right foot.  I was told by an orthopedic doc that my life as I knew it was over.  I would eventually lose mobility and need pain management including opiate drugs, and that there was no cure.  I was despondent and filled with anxiety, although I kept searching for something “out of the box” which might provide relief.  I found a Functional Neurologist who was able (after two years of treatment) to stabilize, but not eliminate my condition.

A nurse friend told me about something called Counterstrain which I still can’t fully explain, but it completely changed my life.  I found Rob Rosenberry, PT, through a random location search.  My first visit to Rob was in December 2017.  I was super fearful of hurting my foot and barely let Rob touch it on that first visit.  He quickly gained my trust, however, and after the SECOND visit I improved so much that I was able to put on a shoe (for the first time in two years) and actually stand on my toes.  It was quite miraculous as the epicenter of my pain was in my big toe.  I improved steadily and regular treatment ended within just a couple of months.  One of my favorite things about Rob is his “can do” positive attitude. I am now completely mobile and able to do any activity.  It seems an absolute miracle to me, but that’s Counterstrain!


Counterstrain has undeniably had an immense positive impact on my life. I know the quality of care I receive is second to none…

Rob is knowledgeable, professional and compassionate. With the use of counterstrain Rob has been able to eliminate my chronic tailbone pain I have suffered from for years. He has also helped me manage the chronic pain and fatigue I experience due to Epstein Barr and multiple autoimmune disorders. By doing so I have met physical goals I never imagined, such as passing an exceptionally difficult fitness test. Counterstrain has also significantly reduced my anxiety, to the point that I no longer take any anxiety medication. Rob has been an integral part of helping me manage the physical symptoms and stress I experience while doing EMDR therapy. Thank you, Rob, for introducing me to counterstrain! Honestly, I cannot fully articulate how much Rob and counterstrain have improved my quality of life, I will forever be grateful. 


Nicole, 37 year old female.  During the end of 2018, I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr.  After already being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and PCOS in 2017…

I was not surprised I was also suffering from an exhaustion virus.  By early 2019 I was practically bedridden and in pain.  The pain, caused from inflammation, took on the form of RA-like-symptoms in my arms, hands, and legs.  My body also started taking on physical stress from not feeling well, and I began having anxiety-like symptoms mostly concentrated in my chest.  It was during this time in early 2019 I started getting treated  by Rob through counterstrain therapy.  I remember arriving to my first appointment with pain in my arms and hands and leaving with no pain and a sense of rest.  Through my appointments with Rob over the past year, I have been able to manage my pain and help my body heal.  I truly believe counterstrain is helping my nervous system go into a state of rest and recovery when it has naturally wanted to be in a state of fight or flight from all the stress of illness.  Besides helping me process through painful Epstein Barr symptoms, counterstrain has also helped pelvic floor pain.  Countersrain has been a non-invasive way to help my entire body feel less knotted-up inside.  This sense of calm and internal rest has been the largest blessing of counterstrain.  The benefits I have received from counterstrain over this past year have changed my life and my recovery.   


I have dealt with stomach pain (bloating, constipation) my entire life. From my childhood to the present, I have been to so many doctors who only prescribed…

the latest stomach medicine, or told me that I just had an irritable bowel due to stress.

I do see naturopaths who have been very helpful in recommending the best diet.

However, the most effective care that I received was Counterstrain Manual Therapy with Rob. Many of my gut issues were related to inflammation of the vagus nerve and lymphatic system. All of my symptoms go away when I see Rob once monthly, and I can even go off a strict diet! I tell everyone I know, “Counterstrain and Rob Rosenberry literally saved my life.”

Check out health guru Tony Robbin's new bestselling book titled Life Force where Tony explains how Counterstrain has been instrumental in helping him and thousands of satisfied clients around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a relatively new technique in the field of manual medicine. Brian Tuckey started developing the technique in 1997 and did not start teaching the technique until 2004.  The power and scope of FCS progresses daily. (Read more about Brian Tuckey, the inventor of Counterstrain here:  )

Yes, in general, individual treatment results are lasting.  Most conditions, however, are due to dozens, even hundreds of individual dysfunctions thus multiple treatment sessions are frequently required to reach maximum benefit.

Most patients will experience significant relief within 1-4 sessions and be discharged to a home program within 10 sessions. If no change is noticed within the first 6 sessions, we typically advise that you contact your doctor for further evaluation.

No, FCS is a painless technique with few if any contraindications. It is tolerated by virtually all patients including infants, the elderly and those in extreme pain.

Currently, I do not take insurance.  Some insurance providers will reimburse you a portion of the bill, while others won’t. If being reimbursed is very important to you, make sure you call your insurance company to find out whether or not they will cover any portion of my services. If you have any questions or concerns, I am happy to help you.


Arrive Early
Probably the most important thing you can do on the day of your first appointment is to arrive about 10 minutes early to fill out the paperwork and sign the appropriate documents. If you wish, you may download our new patient paperwork, print and fill out at home prior to your appointment. If your printer allows, it is most convenient to print this as a two sided document.

Please wear comfortable, loose, non-restrictive clothing or bring something to change into as all treatments are provided through the clothing (with a few exceptions where skin contact is a necessity). Great clothing to wear includes exercise attire, yoga pants, shorts, tank tops, t-shirts etc.
Some clothing can make treatment more difficult or more uncomfortable for you. Female clients should avoid wearing underwire bras (if possible) as these often get in the way and can be uncomfortable during several of the techniques. Consider a sports bra instead. Please avoid wearing jeans, belts, sweat shirts, multiple layers and anything restrictive or embarrassing should we have to perform any treatments that might otherwise be immodest without the proper clothing. This includes skirts and dresses for women and kilts for men.

Request an Appointment (805) 688-5000


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